7 Best Gardening Jobs When You have a Green Thumb

Gardening Jobs are great for people with Green Thumbs. The pandemic put a lot of people out of work. Many are looking at alternative jobs while some are making the decision to pursue their dream of a gardening job. If you want to work outdoors as a horticulturist, arborist, tree doctor, plant nursery worker, or only want to be out in nature, you need to read this blog. This blog provides information on 7 awesome gardening jobs. The type of work, expected salaries, how to acquire skills, and even information to spruce up your resume.

1) Horticulturist
Type of Work: People who work as creative horticulturalists sometimes manage sprawling landscapes or parks. They generally, focus more on caring for plants and trees than grass. To work as a horticulturist you need strong people management skills. Extensive knowledge of gardening and plants to successfully do this gardening job.
Skills Needed: An eye for design is helpful, because you may be making decisions about plant placement and the types of plants that grow well together.
Expected Salary: Approximately $14.85 per hour

2) Arborist
Type of Work: Arborists care for and maintain trees and shrubs for the government, a business, or on private property. They routinely perform planting, trimming, and the removal of trees. This ensures the trees are not hazardous to roads or power lines.
Skills Needed: No formal degree is necessary. A background or certification in landscape design, horticulture, or arboriculture could help you land a job. The ISA Certified Arborist program is accredited by the American National Standards Institute, meeting and exceeding ISO 17024. To earn an ISA Certified Arborist credential, you must be trained and knowledgeable in all aspects of arboriculture. Their online study program can be found at this link which would be valuable for any of these positions. Link to ISA Certification site Here.
Expected Salary: $18.83 per hour

3) Botanist
As global warming sets in, the scientific aspect of gardening will come into play. A study published by a non-profit group showed that individually if we each plant more trees, we help the environment. If we live a more simplistic lifestyle, it could significantly reduce our Co2 emissions. Their PDF report RethinkX: Rethinking Climate Change is here: Rethink X PDF
Skills Needed: A bachelor’s degree in botany, plant science, plant biology, or general biology is helpful. A master’s degree and/or PhD is necessary for advanced positions.
Expected Salary: $49,832

4) Garden Center Employee
Type of Work: Gardening center jobs vary depending on where you work but they involve such duties as working with the plants and flowers, helping customers, and maintaining the store and grounds. Hours can vary depending on the season as well as when the store is open.
Skills Needed: Some knowledge about plants and the products the store is selling will give you a big advantage. A degree is not necessary.
Expected Salary: $11.24 per hour

5) Landscape Architect
The government is targeting money for infrastructure which includes greening up existing spaces.
Type of Work: Landscape architects design gardens, lawns, and other green spaces. They must cater to the needs of the client and work within the space and climate. It can be physically tiring at times. You need to be physically fit to do the work since there are elevations and measurements to take.
Skills Needed: Most USA states require a license, which includes a bachelor’s degree in landscape architecture and passing marks on the Landscape Architect Registration Examination. The Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards (CLARB) works to protect the public’s health, safety, and welfare. They establish and promote professional licensure standards. Their site with course requirements and examination information is here.
Expected Salary: $65,760 per year
6) Facilities Manager
Type of Work: Facilities managers may oversee parks, housing developments, or campuses and may also be responsible for structures. The job requires knowledge of a variety of equipment, such as large mowing tractors and special playground water pumps.
Skills Needed: A bachelor’s degree in engineering (or a related field), though some jobs will only ask that you have a high school diploma if you have the right experience. Licensing is optional, depending on the kind of work you do. Experience is necessary so expect to start off as a grass cutter and work your way up by volunteering to help, if you don’t have a degree.
Expected Salary: $64,531 per year

7) Turf Management
Type of Work: People who work in turf management or grounds management take care of the turf in stadiums, golf courses, or sports complexes. “There’s a strong need for people who can manage these athletic facilities,” says Cale A. Bigelow, a professor in the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture at Purdue University. Even though golf’s growth is slow. The need for people who can manage existing courses remains high. People who have a background in turf management can also work for large lawn and landscape companies. Businesses will contract their services to maintain decorative lawns for clients such as businesses or college campuses.
Skills Needed: No formal education is required, but you may need a license to handle certain pesticides.
Expected Salary: $50,310 per year
How to Apply for a Garden Job
There are many sites you can use to apply for a Gardening job but here are some suggestions:
- If you are just starting a career, take some classes while you work part-time at a gardening center. Learn as much as you can.
- Become a landscaper’s apprentice or garden maintenance helper or work in the garden center at a big box store or nursery.
- The salary information in this post comes from Indeed.com. You can sign up for Indeed.com jobs https://malaysia.indeed.com/?r=us The link shows Malaysia, because I’m writing from Malaysia but you will be asked for your location.
- Do volunteer gardening work (I listed 3 examples but if you search online in your area or go to a lical library you can get information about voluneer opportunities. If there are not any, get creative and ask at schools, golf courses, the library,or anywhere you see the need for a gardener.:
- Once you have some experience, keep working your way up into your dream job.
My dream job is in my own backyard. I do not need to draw a salary from gardening, but I do score some good vegetables, herbs, and sweet jasmine with a hint of lemongrass. The Earth needs more farmers and gardeners for the future. If you are into tech, there are plenty of high-tech jobs that need a green thumb. High rise, as well as warehouse hydroponics, may be the wave of the future. You can bet robotics will come into play. Just make sure you are the one running the robots so your job doesn’t become obsolete. Let me know in the comments or on FB if you have a gardening job or want one.