18th Street Farmers’ Market

1800 Broadway Avenue Scottsbluff, Nebraska, United States

SUNDAYS through SEPTEMBER 28th A vibrant family-friendly market, located in downtown Scottsbluff, that features producers and vendors from around the Western Nebraska Panhandle. Looking for vendors, farmers, bakers, crafters, only $65/season, less than $5/day.


Third Day Farmer’s Market

Lake City, Michigan 3234 S. Lachance Road, Lake city, Michigan, United States

EVERY SATURDAY WHEN IT WARMS UP; PROBABLY JUNE Located in Lake City, Michigan, Third Day Farm promises to be no ordinary farm–hallelujah! Vitally important to our farms mission are these essential ingredients: to LEARN, to LOVE, to GIVE–REAL FOOD! Our food is REAL FOOD–and we mean NO synthetic taste or qualities. We specialize in  growing...
