How To Grow Ravishing Rhubarb

I remember my grandmother growing rhubarb in her garden. And, her rhubarb pies were scrumptious! She said, “Rhubarb grows like a weed.” Meaning it’s easy to grow. We cover all aspects of growing ravishing rhubarb in this post from the best soil, how to plant, when to plant, harvesting, companion plants, and of course special rhubarb recipes.
Best Soil For Rhubarb
To grow rhubarb you need soil. Basically, that’s it but, zones 6 and above in the USA are best for rhubarb. The soil should be warm and moist. Like most plants, rhubarb does not like soggy feet (roots) so make sure the soil is well-drained. Use a good potting mix with a heavy dose of compost.
Direct Seed Or Transplant Rhubarb Into Pots
Grow rhubarb from seed in peat pots in warm moist soil. When the rhubarb plants are 6-8 inches tall and the weather is warm outside, leave the seedlings outside during the day for a few hours at a time to strengthen up their roots. The wind works on the roots just as daily weight training works to strengthen us. After a few days of strengthening the roots, plant the seedling in pots with well-drained soil and a mix of 10-10-10 fertilizer. Make sure to use a pot at least 18″ in diameter if not bigger. An old barrel works great. You only need one or two healthy seedlings per pot.
How To Plant And Care For Rhubarb
Rhubarb plants do not need much care but they take 2-3 years to establish. Make sure to place them in a sunny location but if temperatures get too hot in the middle part of the day, bring the pot into a partially shaded location. Rhubarb doesn’t like to get scorched. You do not need to prune rhubarb. Grow rhubarb with little fertilizer or add in old manure or compost as a top dressing about 2 inches from the stalk. Keep moist but do not keep the plant soggy. Let the soil dry out between watering or use a mulch to discourage weeds and keep the soil humid.
Diseases And Pests Of Rhubarb In Pots
Most diseases of rhubarb are from fungi and are caused by water. To grow rhubarb effortlessly, keep the airflow around the plants and keep the soil moist but do not water leaves. Pick off any leaves that appear to be diseased and throw it away (not in the compost bin). Don’t plant rhubarb near any beans as there are bugs that rhubarb cannot tolerate. Mulch the soil to avoid other bugs such as slugs away. If slugs or snails are a problem, use diatomaceous earth around the stem.
Companion Plants of Rhubarb
Grow rhubarb near cabbage, kale, and the like to deter whiteflies from these plants. Whiteflies hate the sent of rhubarb. Rhubarbs also repel aphids from beans while the beans fix nitrogen in the soil to make rhubarb healthier. Companion plants are a great way to get rid of pests in your garden. Plant some beans near your rhubarb or better yet have them on a trellis in the same pot.
Harvesting Rhubarb
Grow rhubarb 3- or 4-foot-wide area. Four to six plants will provide enough stalks for most families. The biggest harvest is in the third year. Grow rhubarb through the first season, harvest sparingly the second season. Only use the stalks of the rhubarb plant because the leaves can be toxic. You would have to eat 6 lbs. in one sitting but it technically is poisonous. Rhubarb sends up fast climbing flower stalks, reaching 4-6 feet tall. They are decorative but use up the plant’s energy. Remove the flowers as soon as they begin to form to grow rhubarb stalks right through the summer and into the fall.
Great Recipes With Rhubarb
Grow rhubarb for extra stalks to keep in the freezer. Good Housekeeping has an article 25+ Tasty Rhubarb Recipes. You can continue to make tasty treats all year round. My favorite recipe has been a strawberry rhubarb pie but some of these recipes look delicious!
Growing rhubarb is easy and once it is established you can grow rhubarb for 10 years or more. I have not tried to grow rhubarb here but I grew it in the USA. It is easy to grow and makes great desserts. Have you ever tried rhubarb pie? Let me know in the comments below. Just click the button to go to a page dedicated to our comment form.