7 Garden Containers Questions You Can Answer Now

What Is A Container Garden?

A container garden uses pots to hold plants instead of planting directly into the ground. Some people do this to add a decorative touch to their space. Other people like the convenience of taking plants indoors during the winter. Or a person might live in a high-rise apartment where the ground is inaccessible. Garden containers allow you to work at a higher level than bending over to dig into the soil.
Can I Have Containers In My Garden?

You can have containers in your garden, in fact, many people add pots to separate one area of the garden from another or to create a flower garden under a shady tree where young seedlings struggle to get a start. One woman in England has a formal garden with big barrel sized pots where she knocks the bottom out of the container and allows the roots of trees or shrubs planted in the pots to go down into the soil.
Can Containers Be Recycled?

Most plastic garden containers can be recycled but check with your recycle center. Make sure to wash out the pots. Also, you may recycle cement containers at some recycle centers. If pots have decorative additions such as mirrors, tiles, beads, or glass, they cannot be recycled. Terracotta pots cannot be recycled but can be re-used as an amendment to soil.
Can You Paint Plastic Garden Containers?

You can paint plastic garden containers as long as you wash the pot and scuff up the sides. so the paint stays in place. Plastic garden containers are non-porous so you must sand the outside surface and add a coat of paint primer. Finally, paint with a latex paint. Latex prevents the paint from peeling over time. Garden Artistics has a great how to post linked here.
How To Clean Garden Containers?

Most garden containers can be cleaned with a mild soap and water. However, if terra cotta or cement containers have mold, you may need to use a power sprayer or scrub brush to get mold off of the surface. After the pot is clean, mix 1 part white vinegar to 1 part water to disinfect the inside of the pot. Some glazed pots, terracotta, and wood can be cleaned up by wiping with an old cloth and oil. It makes the pot look like new but will darken light colored pots. You can use linseed or flax seed oil safely around plants.
How To Display Garden Containers?

One of the best designer rules to follow, to display garden containers, is to always use an odd number of pots. In addition, mix different sizes of pots or place pots on different levels to create a pleasing appeal. Finally, use a variety of colors and textures when placing garden containers in a group.
What Do You Put In The Bottom Of A Garden Container?

I was taught by my Mom to place rocks in the bottom of pots to improve drainage. It was not until I started this website that I learned that it is best to leave out the rocks. Fill your garden container with the best soil and compost that you can combine. The reason is that the plant gets its nutrients from the soil through its roots. The more roots, the healthier the plant. In a pot,, the roots have limited space within a pot’s walls. So, taking up another inch or two by adding rocks robs the plant of an inch or two of nutrients. Mix good soil with homemade compost and fill the pot form top to bottom. Here’s a link to Types of Soil: Best Potting Mix.
Garden pots make a beautiful patio garden on their own. Or, you can use containers to separate areas of your yard or make a flower garden under a shady tree. Let me know if you learned anything from these questions in the comments below.