8 Simple Patio Garden Ideas On A Budget

Simple patio garden ideas start with your outdoor patio furniture set and space. For people on a budget, the outdoor furniture can be the most expensive item. Next, would be the barbeque and finally any focal areas such as firepits or fountains. We outline how to plan simple patio garden ideas so your finished garden space is comfortable and inviting.
1. Clean Up And Assess The Patio Garden Area
To create a visually appealing simple patio garden, you should clean up the area. Mow the grass and rake up any debris like fallen leaves, grass clipping, or branches, then add these to your compost pile. Power spray or scrub any mildew or mold off of your walkways, stonework, or plant containers. If you do not want to buy new furniture, re-upholster or re-paint your furniture to give it a new look. This is hard work, but a simple patio garden idea, to keep you within your budget.
2. Arrange Your Pots or Garden Containers

Once everything is clean, decide which container pots you will use in your patio area. Put all of the pots in a group so you can assess plant height and pot shape. Think about how you would like to arrange the furniture, with the plant containers, to make intimate areas or pathways for traffic flow.
There are some online apps that you can use to lay out your patio garden area. Download them from the Play Store or Itunes by searching for patio design ideas. Better Homes & Gardens has this link to an online app you can use for 30 days to plan a patio garden. They walk you through a tutorial after you sign in. You can also use graph paper and a pencil.
3. A Simple Patio Garden Idea: Get Rid Of Weeds

One obviously simple patio garden idea is to get rid of weeds. If you have weeds poking up through cracks in concrete, kill them or pull them up. After the weeds are gone, fill in the cracks with concrete or caulking. You can mix several types of organic weed killer with ingredients you might have at home:
- Commercial vinegar with 20% acedic acid will kill broadleaf weeds as affectively as Roundup. Household vinegar kills young weeds effectively. But, mix either type with a few drops of dishwashing liquid and some salt so the vinegar sticks to the plant leaves and is absorbed into the roots. Also, do not spray adjacent plants or they will die as well. The salt makes the soil sterile (unable to grow new plants), so this works well on sidewalks or driveways.
- Boiling water (212 degrees F) will kill plants and roots. Do not put it on the soil near other plants or their roots will also burn.
- Heavy mulching (4-6 inches) or landscape fabric can inhibit weeds around plants flowering plants or your vegetable garden.
4. Take Care Of Your Lawn

Quickly make simple patio garden ideas look good with a great lawn. Aerate your lawn by punching holes, with a garden rake, into the soil to aerate the roots. Follow this with a sprinkle of compost or an organic lawn fertilizer like Fertilome New Lawn Starter. Consider installing a sprinkler system so your lawn gets regular water. Finally, pull up any weeds that grow taller than the grass. Bare areas can be covered with a collection of potted flowers or garden art. I have a blogpost about growing a lush lawn here.
5. Add A New Patio Table And Chairs

Before you buy outdoor furniture, decide on your style. Most patio furniture comes in neutral shades so you can add accent colored pillows or other outdoor art. Think about the number of chairs at your table. Sometimes, the available space will dictate the size of your table. This is best done by measuring the area available and laying the design out on paper or in an online app. Remember to allow for 3 feet of traffic space between and around furniture. Allow a wide access area to your kitchen or barbeque areas.
6. Save Up For A Quality Patio Furniture Set

I noticed that most people are searching for cheap patio furniture at discount box stores. However, saving up and investing in better quality patio furniture will allow you to enjoy you patio area for many years to come. Also, if you postpone buying a patio furniture set until you have enough money, you can decide if you are going to actually use the area on a regular basis. In Malaysia, I love to be outdoors but the mosquitoes only allow us to sit outdoors during certain times of the day. By planting mosquito repelling plants in containers, I was able to create screens to repel these pests. Lemongrass makes a great screen and mosquito repellant.
7. Add A Garden Feature As A Simple Patio Garden Idea
Interesting focal features add to your simple patio garden ideas. They allow you to create a place to gather, such as a fire pit.
Or, to watch nature, such as a bird feeder or bird house.

The addition of a bird bath will allow your feathered friends to get a cool drink or have a bath.
You will be amazed at the variety of song birds you will attract to your patio garden oasis.
8. Include Garden Art
I grow plants to enhance the visual appeal outside my house and to add a healthy diet. But, adding artistic pieces to my patio garden also lets me express my love of nature. A hidden happy frog, a daisy smelling bear, or a colorful jeweled wind chime adds whimsy and music to my calming sanctuary.
After a hot day of pulling weeds in my garden, it is heavenly to drink some sweet tea in a cushy chair in the shade. Simple patio garden ideas do not have to be expensive and this can be an ongoing project. Once you decide what you want to do, it can take as long as a few years, or as short as a weekend, to establish your patio garden. I hope I gave you some easy ideas for your patio garden this year. Let me know in the comments below if you have a patio sanctuary.